With Marlon de Azambuja, Mohammad Ghazali, Fadia Haddad, Hussein Nasreddine, Neda Razavipour, Hessam Samavatian, Azzedine Salek, Baktash Sarang, and Nil Yalter.
OPENING 18th of JANUARY 2024.
At the turn of the millenium, Earth’s spin started going off-kilter, and nobody could quite say why.
Raymond Zhong, “Something Was Messing with the Earth’s Axis. The Answer Has to do with us”
in The New York Times, June 28, 2023
It was with some surprise that geophysicists have measured a change in our planet’s rotational axis, data which started to be made public in the past year. The explanation: large amounts of water pumped out of the earth for household and agricultural use have shifted how the earth’s mass is distributed. And yet, even though everything is now slightly off-kilter, on the surface things remain the same.
In 1960, less than two decades after the nuclear disaster of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, writer Marguerite Duras was commissioned by filmmaker Alain Resnais to write a script about this tragedy. Duras’ task, puts forth a quandary : how does one attempt to convey that which is incommensurable, which is inadmissible, which is unfathomable? Through the dialogue of the characters, set in Hiroshima, one of the main protagonists admits that the sequence of events was beyond what could be conveyed by a flat denial of any possible memory or description of the aftermath of the event. Within the banality of a romantic affair, a decade after the bomb, everyday life unfolds on the Peace Square in Hiroshima, and yet nothing will ever be the same.
The artists in The Earth has Shifted, have been invited to think about an Earth off-kilter, off-axis, where experiences or ruptures have left a trace or shift in our environment, difficult to convey or describe, yet present in our psyches.
Curated by Sarina Basta, Radicants, for Ab-Anbar Gallery at L’Atlas, 4 cour de l’Ile Louviers, 75004 Paris.